Dehydrated fruit

Apples, plums, grapes, figs, apricots, bananas, and pineapples are just some of the types of fruit that can undergo a dehydration process.

This involves subtracting their water content, which results in a concentration of nutrients typical of fresh fruit, such as fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and simple sugars. 

The nutritional benefits of consuming dehydrated fruit result from the intake of the various functional nutrients belonging to the related fresh fruit.

For example, we will take in potassium by consuming apricots, figs, apples and bananas; anthocyanins by consuming red grapes, blueberries and berries; copper by eating mango, papaya and dates; and finally vitamin C by eating orange, strawberries, berries and berries.

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Sultanas, papaya, pineapple, coconut, and banana-a tasty, energy-packed mix of dried and dehydrated fruits.
Dehydrated and dried red berries : mulberries, physalis, goji berries, cranberries; a colorful blend of sweet and sour berries that forms a combination pleasing to the taste.
Tasty roasted corn, ideal for accompanying drinks, appetizers and cocktails, as an alternative to savory snacks, to be offered at parties or eaten as a snack. Source of fiber , potassium and magnesium.
Pumpkin seeds, despite their small size, are a healthy hunger breaker to replace classic packaged snacks.They have a high content of tryptophanwhich contributes to good mood, but also helps us enjoy a good night's rest.