Shelled dried fruit

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Pine nuts are the edible seeds of some varieties of pine trees; they are small seeds but very nutritious.
80 percent of the world's almond production comes from California; it was introduced very anciently to Mediterranean regions, where it is now extensively cultivated and used in several traditional cuisines.
In ancient Rome the walnut tree was sacred to Jupiter, the name walnuts in fact meaning "acorns of Jupiter." Walnuts, like almonds and chestnuts, have been a valuable food for mountain peoples for years, and for this reason referred to as poor man's bread.
The pistachio tree is native to the Middle East, where it was cultivated as early as prehistoric times, particularly in Persia : it is said that those who loved each other used to meet under pistachio trees and listen to the crackling of the fruit hatching in the moonlight.
They are associated with strength and physical health: they are rich in unsaturated fats, high in vitamins B3, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc, which contributes to normal fertility and normal reproduction and maintenance of healthy nails and hair.
Le mandorle sono le regine della frutta secca: sono il seme commestibile del mandorlo (Prunus dulcis), un albero che appartiene alla famiglia delle Rosaceae. Originarie del Medio Oriente, vengono prodotte in tutto il mondo nelle regioni a clima caldo e arido, compresa l’Italia.